Million Dollar Course Ideas Sitting in the Bookstore Waiting on YOU

by Cartess Ross  - November 14, 2018

Yep … It’s true! Million dollar course ideas can be easily found simply by browsing the bookshelves at local bookstores like Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and countless used bookstores.

I like books because they show there’s an audience out there that wants to learn a particular topic. Books generally don’t go in-depth, or there’s a lot of people who don’t like reading.

But a course around that book’s topic might be the thing that could bring in 7-figure income ranges.

Take a look at this video to see the simple ideas I found at a local Books-a-Million bookstore.

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Cartess Ross

Hello, I'm Cartess Ross and I'm a serial entrepreneur and digital marketer. I'm the guy writing most of the stuff on this website and traveling abroad with my children.

Over the last 20+ years, I've taken care of my family of 7 exclusively from the income I've earned from the Internet. On this website, I'm sharing all I've learned over the years about making money online with the talents and skillsets you already possess.

If you'd like to schedule a coaching call with me, click here!

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